To be the world’s most customer-centric vehicle lighting supplier.


Collaborate with our clients to realise their vision. Create industry-leading quality solutions. Provide a refreshing, world-class experience. Every time.

Why choose Venta?

When asked how satisfied our customers are with their experience of Venta, 96% claim they're satisfied or very satisfied!

On average our customers rate their experience with us over 4.7 out of 5 stars. Most say this is because of our excellent customer care!

In addition to our IATF 16949 certification, we've been recognised by PACCAR as one of their 10 PPM suppliers. This means we've met their criteria for parts and components to achieve 10 PPM or better quality. 

Our dedicated customer care team work hard to answer your calls as quickly as possible so you're not kept waiting. On average this is just 4 seconds! 

Our Values

We tell it as it is. 

We act with integrity.

Every experience has to be a win-win for all parties.

We are positive and proactive and enjoy solving problems.

We genuinely care and we strive to do the best we can.

We believe everyone has value and a voice.

We help improve the lives of those around us and support our local community and charities.

We are modest and humble, we listen to others.

Collaboration and brainstorming are a part of our everyday life.

We believe in forming long term partnerships.


Want to be part of our team?

Have you got the ingredients to work for Venta?

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