Do you want to be involved in the future of the automotive industry; creating lighting that will be used on vehicles around the world?

Meet The Venta Team

It’s the people that make Venta. Watch the video to meet some of our team, find out what they do and why they enjoy working at Venta.



Life is short so making the decision to work somewhere that you actually look forward to arriving at each day is really important.

Imagine working in a company where you can create solutions, share ideas, learn from others, work hard, make decisions and have fun along the way! You'll enjoy working closely alongside experienced colleagues to deliver and maintain the highest levels of customer satisfaction that the industry has to offer.

We're a close-knit team that support each other like a family. Our team is formed around some shared key characteristics. But we’re all individuals, and we encourage everyone to be themselves. Everyone at Venta has a voice, and everyone’s voice is important.

Venta team member playing the trumpet

Knowing that you have contributed in a positive way and potentially changed someone's life for the better is part of the job. Rewards that you could not put a price on.

We have a reputation for establishing a working environment that encourages fun and creativity. We want to encourage you to make decisions that affect your work and consider continuous improvements.

We believe in developing our people and giving them the opportunity to flourish. We invest in our employees’ future, encouraging and supporting them with training and development.

These are the key characteristics we look for in our team members.

Team player
Pro active
Solutions driven
Fun human
Being themselves
Open to advice and learning

Open Positions


the venta recipe

  • Take one tablespoon of energy
  • Add a dollop of desire to delight
  • Pour in a cup of creativity
  • Mix together with oodles of innovation
  • Sweeten with a sprinkling of fun!

We think it’s as important that we're the right fit for you, as it is that you're the right fit for us. These words describe the culture at Venta.

Solutions driven
Every voice valued
Family values
Close knit team

We also provide a generous selection of remuneration benefits.


If you think you have what it takes and you're interested in a career at Venta, then fill in this form and attach your CV, and we’ll be in touch! 

Apply now

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