As an IATF 16949 certified supplier, quality is at our core. Our lighting suits all types of plant and machinery on and off road.

Design & Manufacture

Our expertise lies in designing and manufacturing bespoke quality solutions. Whether you are looking for someone to design a new light from scratch, or already have a design and need help with developing it into a fully functional, legal and manufacturable product, we can help.

Discover Design & Manufacture at Venta

Designer at desk

Our Certifications

We are proud to hold a number of certifications. Our focus is on creating consistent, quality products that meet our customer requirements, and these certifications demonstrate our ability to achieve that.

Check Out Our Certifications

ISO9001 stamp


Swedish vehicle manufacturer Alstor are renowned for their high quality and environmentally friendly production of over 1300 forestry machines.

Discover how we helped modernise the design of their combi machines and harvesters with cutting-edge lighting, and significantly improved visibility for their vehicle operators.

Read Our Alstor Case Study

Value Add Services

We're all about helping our customers and making things as easy as possible. In addition to lighting, we offer services that add value for you. 


Light branded with a customer logo

Our Products

Take a look at our full product range or see what we have to offer in each category.

We find Venta to be supportive and pro-active, giving us plenty of information on product lead times and changes etc. This is very important to us, especially given current global supply chain challenges.

Bateman Sprayers

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