We've had another incredibly busy and productive quarter here at Venta, and we're thrilled to share some of our biggest highlights from Q2!

  • We proudly received continued recognition from PACCAR for achieving their 10PPM quality standard.
  • We expanded our product range by launching our new WS27 Series Low Profile R65 LED Beacons.
  • Our AU.20 Series High Power LED Lights became even more versatile by receiving approval for use as a reverse or manoeuvring light.
  • We started production on a significant custom lighting project for Morgan Motor Company, designing and producing lights for their new Plus Four, Plus Six and Midsummer models.
  • We showcased our latest products at the 2024 Commercial Vehicle Show, leading to many exciting new opportunities.
  • Attending Eurosatory 2024 provided an excellent opportunity to connect with new faces across the Defence and Security industries and discover the latest industry topics.

Thank you to all of our customers and followers for your continued support this quarter. Together we're making 2024 a year to remember!

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